研究方向 射频集成电路、 新型半导体器件、光电子器件、无线通信技术
男,博士,教授,博导,现任信息学院电子科学与技术系副主任。《半导体学报》理事会理事,《半导体技术》理事会理事。 2.教育背景 1978—1982 天津大学电子工程系半导体物理与器件专业本科学习; 1998—2000 天津大学电子信息工程学院微电子学与固体电子学博士研究生; 3.工作经历 1982—1998 郑州大学电子工程系助教、讲师、副教授、教研室主任 2000-今 天津大学任教、教授、博导、实验室主任、系副主任 4.主要研究领域 射频集成电路、 新型半导体器件、光电子器件、无线通信技术 5.讲授课程 射频识别技术、半导体器件模型、CMOS射频集成电路、集成电路中的噪声与低噪声技术、模拟与射频集成电路 6.代表性学术成果 代表著作: 1. Monostable–Bistable Transition Logic Element Formed by Tunneling Real-Space Transfer Transistors With Negative Differential Resistance, Electron Device Letters, IEEE ,Nov. 2010,Volume: 31 Issue:11,page(s): 1224 - 1226 .670ST, **396 2. A fully differential transimpedance amplifier with integrated differential photodetector in standard CMOS process for optical communications and interconnects [J]. Science ChinaInformation Sciences,2011,54(6):1300-1311 3.Design and analysis of a low power passive UHF RFID transponder IC, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, p 1-6, 2010, 715ZG, **329 4.A fully differential transimpedance amplifier with integrated differential photodetector in standard CMOS process for optical communications and interconnects SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES , Vol. 54,No. 6 , P1300-1311, JUN 2011,768NF 5.Design of a passive UHF RFID transponder featuring a variation-tolerant baseband processor,RFID 2010: International IEEE Conference on RFID, p 61-68, 2010, **716 6.基于参考标签的射频识别定位算法研究与应用,通信学报,2010,Vol.31,No.2,P86,**008 7.基于标准CMOS工艺的1.5Gb/s单片集成光接收机,半导体学报,2009,30(12):125004-4,**120 8.A monolithic, standard CMOS, fully differential optical receiver with an integrated MSM photodetector,Journal of Semiconductors, v 20, n 10, p 105010-1-3, October 2009 ,**948 9.An approach to the optical interconnect made in standard process, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, v 30, n 5, January, 2009, p 055012-1,**812 10.Standard CMOS implementation of a novel, fully differential optoelectronic integrated receiver Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, v 20, n 4, p 432-435, April 2009,**214 11.低功耗限制的级间匹配型2.45GHz
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